· 11/28/2016

Orif and iXion Services SA sign a partnership agreement

On a daily basis, by combining training, support, and integration, we immerse ourselves simultaneously in social cohesion and the economic fabric. Through this dual stance, through our mission and our commitment, Orif and iXion Services SA have initiated an exclusive collaboration.

After careful consideration, iXion Services SA and Orif, driven by a desire to make a decisive contribution to the "better living" of vulnerable populations at risk of exclusion, and to the "living together" of society, decided to combine their areas of expertise.

Together, we have agreed on a partnership with the aim of developing specialized "Service Desk" training in a dual mode, combining the theoretical as well as the practical aspects of the profession.

The goal is to validate, in addition to the AFP for "IT Support" or the 3-year CFC for "Computer Scientist", a high-quality specialization in user support/Service Desk, to promote the professional integration of people with health impairments and to meet the personnel needs of IT sectors.

At the end of their training, the apprentices (upon passing their exams) will receive a professional training certificate (AFP/CFC) with an Orif - iXion Services SA certification in user support/Service Desk.

Vincent Scheidegger, CEO: "As a training company, it's important for me to be able to help motivated and competent individuals. Especially in the current context characterized by a chronic shortage of IT professionals in the market, it's our duty to offer opportunities to individuals retraining with a genuine chance of successful reintegration."

Stéphane Francey, Director of Orif Pomy: "Training and professional integration for everyone is a matter of rights and equal opportunities but only becomes reality thanks to companies. Helping to integrate people with health impairments is an opportunity for companies who benefit from their professional skills, especially in a field seeking workforce, and also from qualities acquired in facing adversity. Our partnership can only enrich us mutually."

About Orif

For nearly 70 years, Orif has been dedicated to observing, training, and socio-professional integration of people with health issues or challenges. In French-speaking Switzerland, it creates and manages adapted structures and develops measures promoting socio-professional integration to fulfill mandates entrusted by socio-economic partners.

Established in 1968, the Orif center in Pomy offers around 150 spots for orientation, evaluation, and professional training in tertiary, office-commerce, IT, and laboratory professions. Orif successfully trains and integrates with proven expertise, the quality of its multidisciplinary teams, and its extensive network of partner companies.

More information : www.orif.ch